Finished Object Friday

My Finished Object of the Week:

A dishcloth. I know. Not super impressive. But it’s what I finished this week so I’m sharing it and linking up once again with Tami’s blog where many fabulous knitters share/boast about the projects they’ve completed. Check them out if you can.

This project is one of my take-along knits that I’ve been working on {off and on} for some time.  But I always seem to need new dishcloths, so I’ll probably start another one soon.  The pattern I used is actually an adaptation of Rhonda White’s DW Darrell Waltrip Dishcloth pattern.

DW DishclothYou can see my notes on what changes I made on my Ravelry project page for this dishcloth if you’re interested.

In other news:

  1. I’m helping with my church’s VBS (Vacation Bible School) in a couple weeks and we’re already working on murals and decorations. I’ve been assigned a mural of a cityscape and have had fun the past few days working on it. (But it’s been taking up some of my normal blogging and/or knitting time!)
  2. I got my baby fix tonight! Baby kitty, that is! Our Gracie-cat (who is really still a kitten herself) had 2 kittens on July 8.  One of the baby kitties died the first night, but the other has been doing well. my kitties I was so bummed when Gracie moved it at 1 week old from the shelter she gave birth in to somewhere out in our wooded area near the house (at least I think that she has a place out there) before I was able to get a picture of him. (I’m relatively certain it’s a boy.) Anyways, tonight she brought him up in front of the house for a little visit (right before my husband and I were going to go out for our run) so I got to hold, pet, cuddle, and get pictures of little Neelix as I’ve named him. Baby kitty Neelix{Doesn’t he remind you of Neelix from Star Trek: Voyager?} Of course, in typical cat-fashion, she’s hidden him again and I’m not sure where, but I was so thrilled to see how big he’s gotten in just a couple weeks! Isn’t he darling?!?
  3. I’ve been running. Me. A self-proclaimed non-runner. And I’m actually enjoying it! Since my hubby is already a runner, it’s been fun for us to do some training together too. Last weekend we ran in one 5K race and have plans for a few more this year. I’m super-ultra-uber competitive so I found it really hard to pace myself around other runners. My first 5K and I came in at 30:40. That’s about 4 minutes better than my best training time had been! CRAZY! After that, my hubby decided to get me a Garmin Forerunner 110. I used it tonight for the 1st time.  It’s pretty cool, but hubby says it’s not *quite* as accurate for distance as his Forerunner 305 that he’s had for almost 3 years. Maybe a clear, unclouded day will increase my 110’s accuracy. Even if not, it’s pretty close and I like that it tells me my pace. So just for the fun of it, we set a nice pace (not too hard) and went for more distance. I need to work on that. It felt good and I could have probably gone more, but we stopped at the end of our running path and we had gone just under 5 miles.  So my distance goal is to run 5 miles non-stop next time we have time for a longer distance run like we did tonight.

Well, there you have it. That’s my Friday update!

Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Happy knitting!
