An Update, Some FOs, and a New Design in the Works

April Update

Another month has passed me by…it’s hard to believe it’s been so long since I’ve posted!  Not for lack of things to say, but rather for lack of time to write it.  For the past month I’ve really tried to stay focused on teaching my boys–which is my primary job after all–and by the end of each day most, if not all, of my energy is used up and I just want to sit in front of the TV and knit.  So, sorry dear faithful readers (both of you).  Perhaps this summertime I’ll be able to make time to blog more regularly?

2014-03-28 12.48.20

Science Experiment…homeschool science in the kitchen!

I’ve posted a few of my knitting pics here and there on Facebook and/or Instagram.  So even though I’ve neglected to write blog posts, I’ve tried to keep as active on social media as I can. As I already mentioned, knitting each evening while watching television with my hubby has become my primary means of de-stressing after hounding my 14 year old and working hard with my 7 year old to get their schoolwork done each day.  With lots of good knitting time, I’ve managed to complete a few projects!  Yay!  I love FOs!

Knitting Update

Finished Objects:

#1) After 2 months of working on it off and on, I finally finished my Diving in shawl!  I just love it!  The Malabrigo yarns are so soft and warm!  And although the colorways don’t contrast a lot, they work very well together and the result is quite lovely.

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2014-04-25 15.01.54

I know you wanted to see headless photos of me, right?! LOL! Taking selfies is not my forte.

#2)  Earlier this month I finished knitting scarf using the pattern “My So Called Scarf” by Allison Isaacs with that lovely Phydeaux yarn from my February Yarnbox.  Have I mentioned how much I LOVE this yarn?!?  It’s wonderful!  I decided to use just one skein for the scarf, so I sewed the seams together to make it into a mobius.  I especially loved the stitch pattern in the variegated colors of the yarn. Such a lovely combo!

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2014-04-06 11.02.16 HDR

#3) After finishing the My So-Called {Mobius} Scarf, I decided to use my second skein to design a pair of matching mitts.  I adore how the yarn worked up for my new mitts too!  And although I really want to show off these finished mitts to you all, I’ve decided to wait until my pattern is ready to publish.  Which leads me into the last heading of today’s post…

New Design in the Works

I’m hoping to work out the details for a couple more hand sizes before I write up my new pattern since not everyone can wear my extra-small ladies’ mitt size!  So for now, all you get to know is that I’ve got a pair of Mystery Mitts (that match the above cowl) in the works!

Now if someone would just invent a working time turner so I can work on two things at once!!!

As always, happy knitting!


PS!  Did you know my patterns are currently on sale?! NO? Well, now you know! Get 20% off with the coupon code “Easter2014”!   (Granted, I only have 3 patterns to sell right now…but still!)  Happy shopping!

Goals, Knitting, Work


The old year is done.  The new year has come.  And I’ve been setting a few goals for myself for 2014.  Personal goals, knitting goals, designing goals, and blogging goals. I am going to share with you a few of my goals related to perfectioKnits.  Perhaps by sharing them with you, I will do better at following through with them.

  1. Publish a new pattern by the end of each month:  if I manage to meet this goal, I will have a total of 15 patterns published by the end of 2014!
  2. Post updates and other info to the blog at least 2-3 times each week.
  3. Encourage and cultivate more dialogue between you, my dear readers, and myself–here and on Facebook/Twitter/Google+/Pinterest, etc. (Speaking of Facebook, are you seeing my posts? I’ve been seeing lots of pages posting that most of their readers don’t see what they share.  Especially if it includes a link.  So if you’re reading this, but not seeing what I’m sharing on Facebook, please pop by my page and leave a comment on a post, ask me a question about knitting or crochet, or even just like a few posts. From what I understand, the more interaction you have with the pages you follow on Facebook, the more likely they are to show up in your newsfeed.)
  4. Finish 42 books:  a personal goal, but I will very likely continue sharing some of the books I’m reading (especially if I continue to link up with Ginny’s Yarn Along on occasion).

I have other, more specific goals related to these, but maybe they’re actually sub-goals or something.  Publishing this list here will hopefully help me keep focused and deliberate about making time to knit, write, create with yarn, and read too!  In order to keep myself accountable, I will write a post every month? other month? quarter? and evaluate how well I’m accomplishing these goals.


I’ve completed the knitting portion of Bigger Bigger on the Inside.  Finished it Saturday.  Today is Wednesday and I have yet to weave in any ends, let alone block it.  Just thinking about picking it up the past few evenings has made me tired.  So I’ve left it sitting by my seat on the sofa and will get it done as soon as I can find enough time and energy for it. Soon, I hope since this one will go to my friend!  (See what I wrote under the heading “work” below and you’ll maybe understand?)


Just waiting for me to weave in its loose ends and be blocked.

One more thing:  I haven’t even started a new project yet! I haven’t knit a stitch since Saturday. Can you believe it? (Me neither.)

But I’ve still got those sock yarns and a new pair of warm wooly socks always makes me happy.  Me thinks I shall be casting on some soon…maybe even tonight!?  No wait.  Shawl first.  Then socks.


We homeschool.  Teaching my boys is my primary job and (needs to be) my primary focus. (Although knitting and blogging can be really distracting at times.)

Monday, despite the public schools in Minnesota all being closed due to the cold, we started a new semester of home-schooling. (As I told my boys, the public school here started up on Thursday or Friday and they had those days off still…fair enough.)  Some scheduling changes needed to take place since we’re–once again–falling behind a bit.  I expressed my frustration and concerns to my husband and asked him for assistance.  I really want to be finished with our school year by the end of May/early June.

Teaching our 7 year old son is my priority because he has been struggling with mixing up and/or forgetting some of both his numbers and his letters, therefore I know he needs a bit of extra help from me at this point to get him up to level with reading and math. But our 14 year old son, whom I’ve had working independently, still needs me to evaluate what he’s learned while working on his own.  He also needs me to supervise science experiments.  Finding time for both boys each day has been a scheduling nightmare for me–I’ve never been good at time management.  It’s a real struggle!  Enter my hubby… who is taking on a more active role in our homeschool and helping me by assigning our eldest’s daily work. Two days of feeling like I’ve accomplished *most* of what I’ve needed to for school gives me hope that we’re on a better course. 🙂

County Fair Fun (no WIP Wednesday this week though)

No WIP post this week

I know it’s Wednesday, but today’s post isn’t a project update (and I’m not going to link up my post either).

Why not?

  • I’m really only working on the same two projects (Almondine socks and Cotlin Crow Shawl).
  • I haven’t had much time for knitting this week so there’s not much progress anyways.
  • Our county fair is this week and you’ve got to go look at all the exhibits and animals and the kids {think they} need to go on rides.

County Fair Fun

But speaking of the county fair, I have to say there’s some fabulous knitted items entered this year!  Sadly, I never seem to remember to enter anything and every year for about the past 5 years I’ve told myself “next year!” And then I forget.  But I was impressed with a few items. One pair of gorgeous socks with cabling up the side. A couple of fabulous sweaters. I’d have some good competition if I entered!  (And if you know me well, you know I’m a very competitive person.)  So, once again I’ll say “maybe next year!” and hope I don’t forget!

Here are a few photos I took yesterday at our local fair. I hope you don’t mind my sharing them instead of project pics!

County Fair

Fair Parade

You can tell we live in a rural area with lots of farming because in our parades there are always quite a few tractors as well as other farm equipment.  Personally, I enjoy seeing the old cars much more.

County Fair

Fair Ride Fun (my boys and a few of their cousins)

My boys were happy to have a few cousins there yesterday too. Rides with a brother is fun, but rides with a cousin or two is better! We have a few tickets left and will be going back this afternoon!

Happy knitting!



Just a note of thanks.

No new posts?

I thought maybe a quick post to explain my absence last week was in order.  First off, it’s the beginning of summer and I’m still trying to get my summer schedule figured out.  We homeschool and are going to continue schooling through the summer (albeit at a slightly more relaxed pace).  The boys also had swim lessons for the past couple weeks (and they both passed on to the next level!) And then to top it all off, my dad had brain surgery on Friday.  So, yeah.  It’s been a little crazy around here lately and blogging hasn’t been a priority.

Brain surgery?

So now you’re most likely wondering about my dad’s surgery.  A brief explanation for those of you who don’t already know:  Dad was diagnosed with non-smokers lung cancer about a year and a half ago.  He’s been through chemo and was down to just a “maintenance” chemo that was unfortunately still causing yucky side-effects. So they took a short break from it, but then Dad started having some trouble with his right leg and was stumbling a bit more than normal. The MRI showed that the cancer had spread and he had 2 small tumors on the brain.  The one that was causing his stumbling was operable, hence his surgery.  The surgery went well, and we are praising God for that.  He is still in the hospital recovering, but will likely be home in a couple days. There will be need for physical therapy and they’re also going to do radiation treatments to “zap”–as my mom like to say–the other brain tumor as well as all the other places where the cancer has been to try and make it go away.  They haven’t said for sure whether they will do more chemo too, but it’s possible.  So, please bear with me if I don’t post much.  I want to get this blog going and do well with it, but my family is more important.

Happy Father’s Day!

If you follow me on Facebook, you may have noticed I posted a couple of things for Father’s Day. But I wasn’t sure how personal to get. I’ve decided it’s an important part of what’s going on in my life though, so I shouldn’t hide it.  (Nor will I focus on it here, either.)  But I do want you to know. I’m a real person, dealing with real stuff.  I am truly thankful that Dad made it through the surgery.  If the surgery had gone poorly, we would have had a very different Father’s Day.  Even though I couldn’t hug my dad on Father’s Day, I am so glad that I could chat with him on the phone and know he’s recovering from his surgery.

Christmas 2012: Mom and Dad and me

Christmas 2012: Mom and Dad and me

Thank you!

For those of you who knew all this and have been praying:  thanks for the prayers and support.

For those of you who are just reading and learning this: thanks for understanding.

And for all my wonderful followers: I appreciate each and every one of you.