Biannual Blogathon Bash

Blogathon Bash:  January 24-27, 2014

It’s time for another Blogathon! If you’ve been following my blog long enough, you know I participated in the last one (June 2013) but jumped in a little late. This time I signed up before it started and am trying to start right away today.

Biannual Blogathon Bash

If you’re a blogger and don’t know what the Blogathon Bash is, it’s a weekend to really take time a focus on your blog. Set some goals…anything from clearing out email inboxes to writing posts…whatever you need to do to make your blog better. Did I mention there are some prizes available too? But in my opinion, making time to focus on my blog is well worth joining in.

For this blog, I really need to work on some of my New Year’s goals.

First, it’s almost the end of January and I haven’t published a new pattern yet! Gotta get that done!!!

I also know I haven’t been posting as often as I’d hoped. So I’m going to work on scheduling posts.

Next, I’d like to learn more about media kits. I’m not sure I need one, but if I do, I should probably get working on it. And maybe design a blog button too. Again, not sure I really need one.

I also need to clean out my email inbox. I’ve kept way too many junk emails thinking I’d go back to them for ideas or whatnot, but really they’re just junk. At the very least, I should put them in a separate folder.

Finally, I’m going to look at the list of mini-challenges on the Blogathon blog and see if there’s anything else I should do this weekend.

Of course a knitblogger’s weekend just wouldn’t seem right without some time for yarn, so I’ll be taking breaks and working on my Bellatrix socks some more too.

Have a productive weekend! Happy knitting!


4 thoughts on “Biannual Blogathon Bash

  1. Great site. I crochet, but haven’t learned to knit (yet).

    I have a lot of the same goals for my blog…my first is a media kit and some redesign. This was my first time at the Blogathon…lots of fun and motivation.


    • Thanks so much, Karen! I was a crocheter before I taught myself knitting. It’s not as tricky as it may seem! Thank you for testing my new plug-in. The Blogathon group is great for getting help with stuff like this and the Blogathon Bashes are super-motivating! Welcome and thanks again! 🙂


  2. The Blogathon was fun and I learned a ton. I’d love to learn to knit but I just don’t have the patience or the coordination to do it. I did have a dream about knitting last night though. What does that mean ?:)


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